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Wisdom of Jewish Buffalo 2000

Keynote Speakers (7:30 - 8:15 p.m.)

Tuesday, Oct. 17
Marvin Macnow, humorist
Title: Brooklyn - Where the Funny Stuff Started!
Tuesday, Oct. 24
Amrom Chodos, musician
Title: Klezmer-Yiddish soul music
Monday, Oct. 30
Dr. Saul Elkin, Distinguished Service Professor of Theatre & Dance, Chairman Dept. of Theatre & Dance – UB
Title: Shakespeare and the Jews


Session 1 Programs (8:25 - 9:10 p.m.)

Tour of Stunning and Secret Treasures of WNY
Bruce Kershner, award winning author and naturalist

Oct. 17: Secret Places of WNY
Oct. 24: The Last Ancient Forests of WNY
Oct. 30: WNY, Undiscovered Secret: Zoar Valley Canyon

The Jewish Internet for "Dummies"
Rabbi Akiba Lubow, Temple Beth El

Oct. 17: Introduction to the Jewish Internet
Oct. 24: Internet as "Beit Midrash" (house of study)
Oct. 30: Internet as "Beit Knesset" (house of assembly)

Age Old Medical Problems, From Birth and Onwards

Oct. 17: Dr. David Kurss, OB/GYN, founder/director of Women’s Wellness Center of WNY
Menopause - Women in Transition
Oct. 24: Dr. Bruce Bleichfeld, PhD
Eating Disorders from Newborns Onward
Oct. 30: Dr. Mark Ballow
Allergies to chicken soup?

Chagall and the Laws
Dr. Alan Birnholz

Oct. 17: Chagall, the Law of God, and the Law of Lenin
Oct. 24: One Chagall Painting, World War II, and the Law of Property
Oct. 30: What Can You Do to Your Chagall? The Doctrine of Moral Rights


Session 2 Programs (9:15 - 10:00 p.m.)

Judaism from Four Perspectives: Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist
Participating rabbis: Benjamin Arnold, Michael Feshbach, Akiba Lubow, and Eliakim Schwartz Oct. 17: Who We Are - What We Stand For
Oct. 24: Approaches to Intermarriage
Oct. 30: Views on Abortion
The Jewish Gangster (History - 1900’s to Post WWII)
Steven Silverstein

Oct. 17: In the Beginning
Oct. 24: Land of Opportunity
Oct. 30: From Generation to Generation

Mavens in the kitchen

Oct. 17: Irwin Davis: A New Twist on Challah
Oct. 24: Molly Ballow: Tradition, Tradition - Blintzes & Teiglach
Oct. 30: Dr. Norman Weinberg: Oy…Soy

The Holocaust on Film and Television
Sid Krupkin, Jewish Educator

Oct. 17: The Beginning
Oct. 24: The Nightmare
Oct. 30: The Aftermath


Thanks to the following committee
for organizing
Wisdom of Jewish Buffalo 2000:
Hannah & Dr. Norman Weinberg
Molly & Dr. Mark Ballow
Ellen Berman
Ellen & Alan Bernstein
Sonia Kerzner
Rabbi Akiba Lubow
Amy & Jeffrey Lyons
Joan & Herb Mennen
Joyce & Alvin Mintz
Alan Schwartz
The Wisdom of Jewish Buffalo series was supported by the Anne Bernstein Memorial Fund.
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