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President's Membership Letter 2023

Dear Temple Beth Tzedek Members:

Our pledge system is more than 10 years old. We took a leap of faith and set aside the standard dues format and dismantled the dues review process. We offered every member the opportunity to say ‘Heneini! I am here! I am answering your call. I pledge to do my best to sustain Temple Beth Tzedek.’

We know that not everyone can pledge what is called the ‘Sustainer’ amount and we offer you the dignity to do your best. We do hope our members are not taking advantage of this system, paying only a token of what they can really afford, yet enjoying and partaking in our services and programs.

Instead of paying fixed annual dues, we allow all members to contribute an amount of their own choosing to support Temple Beth Tzedek.  To guide you in making a pledge that is meaningful, yet affordable for your household, we suggest levels of giving as shown on the pledge form.

With each household giving as generously as possible, we can offer more than religious services. We have opportunities for adult and youth education, to learn from visiting scholars, to participate in Tikun Olam (repairing the world) projects, to share our sacred space with the greater community.  We offer a myriad of ways for congregants to participate.

Our Giving Circles are open to all who can give above the Sustainer level. Those who step up, those who make Temple Beth Tzedek a priority in their annual giving, make it possible for us to preserve our high standards. Last year, we had 36 households pledging at the Sustainer level and 18 members join the Giving Circles.  To them, we say thank you, but to avoid reverting to the standard dues format and review process, we must do better.

By making your pledge, we ask that each of you affirm that Temple Beth Tzedek is a valuable and vital part of our Jewish lives; that we are a community responsible to and for each other; that our community sustains itself through the generosity of its members; and that we succeed when everyone is treated with respect and dignity. We want our doors to be open for all and that Temple Beth Tzedek will reflect the Talmudic dictum Kol Yisrael areivim zeh ba-zeh — “All Israel is responsible for one another.” 

For 2023-24, we wish to acknowledge all who give at the Sustainer pledge and above. Be as generous as you can be so your name will be included on the honor roll.

Thank you for your continued support and generosity.


Linda Boxer, President

Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785