Temple Beth Israel, Niagara Falls 1898 - 2012
The Sanctuary (Cedar Avenue)Photo courtesy of Atty. Roy Wixson, a non-Jewish friend of the congregation who, as a teenager, was a substitute organist at Temple Beth Israel. The organ was in a balcony at the rear of the Temple. The stained glass Gothic windows seen here are also partially visible on the right side of the College Avenue sanctuary, where they were moved when the congregation relocated in the 1960s. The Cedar Avenue building was used by Temple Beth Israel into the 1980s for special events, including fundraising. |
The Sanctuary (College Avenue)
The sculpture of the Sh'nei Luchot haBrit (Two Tablets of the Covenant - the tablets of the Ten Commandments) was designed by Temple member Mimi Schiff . Although several of the commandments are represented by the initial lamed, no two lameds are identical. This suggests the changing postures of those in prayer. Left of the bimah is the B'reishit pyramid, also designed by Mimi Schiff. This sculpture now appears in the Jewish Community Center in Amherst. The parochet (curtain in front of the ark) represents the miracle of the Burning Bush, when G-d spoke the Hebrew words shown, E-hiyeh asher e-hiyeh (I will be that which I will be) (Exodus 3:14), to Moses. The parochet was designed and constructed by a committee of Temple members. |
Donors' and building plaques
Ark and dedication plaque, preserved from the congregation's earlier Cedar Avenue building. Photos by Jeffrey Pasler
More photos by Jeffrey Pasler
External view |
"Congregation" mosaic |
Sanctuary from back left |
Stained glass |
Tablets and parochet |
Torah scrolls |
Sanctuary from back right |
History of the Congregation - scanned pages
Fundraising campaign booklet for construction of the College Avenue building, 1965 (ad pages not included)
Dedication of the College Avenue building, 1968
Program for dedication of the College Avenue building, 1968
100th anniversary, 1998 (ad pages not included) - Jack A. Gellman, ed.