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Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah

Schedule of services                    Livestream link for holiday services


We will honor Steve Jacobs as our Chatan Torah, and Myra Werbow as our Kallah B'reishit, at our Simchat Torah morning service. About our honorees

SIMHAT TORAH KIDDUSH -The annual Simhat Torah Kiddush lunch will be held at the conclusion of services on Sunday, October 8th. Everyone is invited to attend the morning service, participate in the festive activities, and partake of the Kiddush lunch. Those who would like to sponsor or make a donation for the Kiddush lunch should contact the synagogue office.


You are invited to have lunch in the TBT Sukkah, Tuesday, October 3 to Friday, October 6th, 12:noon-1. Pick a day that suits your schedule. Bring your parve or dairy bag lunch.  Come sit in our beautiful Sukkah. Enjoy a lovely fall day. Share the company of Rabbi Rich and fellow congregants. Come celebrate Sukkot.



Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784