Link for all Livestreamed services
Schedule of services (or click here)
ROSH HASHANAH EVE Wednesday, October 2nd
Traditional service 6:00 pm Minha & Ma'ariv (livestreamed)
ROSH HASHANAH Thursday, October 3rd
Traditional service 9:00 am Shaharit, Shofar, Torah Reading, Sermon & Musaf (livestreamed)
5:30 pm Tashlich (in person only)
6:00 pm Minha & Ma'ariv (livestreamed)
Youth services 10:00 am Apples Service (Ages 6-11) and Honey Service (Ages 0-5)
11:30 am Teen Program
ROSH HASHANAH Friday, October 4th
Traditional service 9:00 am Shaharit, Shofar, Torah Reading, Sermon & Musaf (livestreamed)
6:00 pm Minha & Ma'ariv (livestreamed)
Youth service 10:00 am Apples & Honey Service (Ages 0-11)
11:30 am Teen Program
YOM KIPPUR EVE Friday, October 11th
Traditional service 6:15 pm Minha (livestreamed)
6:30 pm Kol Nidre (livestreamed)
6:50 pm Teen Program (after singing of Kol Nidre)
YOM KIPPUR DAY Saturday, October 12th
Traditional service 9:00 am Shaharit, Torah Reading, Israel Bond Appeal, Yizkor,
Sermon & Musaf (livestreamed)
4:50 pm Minha, followed by Ne'ilah (livestreamed)
7:20 pm Sounding of Shofar, followed by Ma’ariv (livestreamed)
Youth services 10:00 am Apples Service (Ages 6-11) and Honey Service (Ages 0-5)
11:30 am Teen Program
High Holy Day Appeal pledge form
Greeting Booklet
Memorial Book
Floral Fund Honors
Tickets & Admission Policies
Welcome to the World letter

Operation Isaiah - donate food, borrow a machzor, recycle bottles & cans
will be available for children 0-2 years old from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm on Rosh HaShanah morning (October 3rd-4th) and Yom Kippur morning (October 12th).

Resources from the Rabbinical Assembly
Rabbi’s Personal Prayer for Preparing for the High Holidays this Year
by Rabbi Robyn Fryer Bodzin
Homer Lidrush for Yom Kippur: Ahavat Hinam: Love as Essential Healing After a Terrible Year
by Rabbi Daniel Burg
Yizkor for Victims of October 7, 2023,
[can also be used as part of the Eilleh Ezk’rah of Musaf on Yom Kippur]
by Rabbi Karen Reiss Medwed
Archive to RA’s Early Resources for October 7
General Resources and Ideas to Commemorate the First Anniversary of October 7
Suggested Hakafah Ritual for Simhat Torah 2024/5785
by Rabbi Robert Scheinberg