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Men's Club/Brotherhood

President: Jonathan Epstein (e-mail:
Vice President: Mitchell Steinhorn
Steve Jacobs
At Large: Gil Wolfe, Scott Herman

Membership application for 2023 - 2024

Affiliated with the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs

Tri-State Regional website

The Men's Club, or Brotherhood, of Temple Beth Tzedek is a fraternal organization whose mission is to unite its members through friendship, social activity and social action; strengthen their links to and involvement in the life and future of the congregation and Conservative Judaism in Western New York, and promote greater knowledge and appreciation of Jewish life and Judaism. The mission is accomplished through a combination of social activities, leadership, tzedakah, and tikkun olam.

Among its regular activities, Men's Club provides ushers for High Holy Day services, gifts for Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, and special memorial Yellow Candles for Yom HaShoah, through FJMC. 

Other events may include brunches, dinners, speakers, picnics, sporting events, trips and special performances.  Brotherhood sponsors TBT’s participation in the annual World Wide Wrap tefillin program conducted simultaneously around the world through the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. We also participate in other services and ritual activities, including our Brotherhood Shabbat. Brotherhood also can provide personal assistive listening devices for use at services.

Look for information to come on upcoming speakers and programs on issues such as home and personal safety, health and fitness, local and national politics, the regional economy, Buffalo’s cultural heritage, taxes, insurance, sports (Bisons and Sabres), and much more.

We are always eager for new members and new ideas, so if there’s an activity or program you’d like to see, let us know!  We are here for you!


Brotherhood supports the Jewish Soldiers Project

                        Introduction                             Donation links

Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785