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L'Dor Vador

This program is open to the children of members of Temple Beth Tzedek, from the ages of  bar/bat mitzvah through their undergraduate years in college.  Participants are recognized for leadership of religious services.  Contact Cantor Spindler to let him know of your interest in participating.

Level I - Gadol/G'dolah (Great One)
Level II - Lion of Judah
Level III - Chazak
DAVENING (Shaliach Tzibbur - cantor)
Any leadership as shaliach tzibbur2
Standard: Lead services on 3 occasions.
Lead services on 10 occasions to include at least 3 different types of services. Lead services on 18 occasions to include at least 5 different types of services.
Any leyning Standard: Read 3 aliyot3 Read 10 aliyot Read 18 aliyot
CHANTING HAFTARAH, LAMENTATIONS Any chanting Standard: 2 readings4 4, including 2 distinct readings 6, including 4 distinct readings
Shofar Blowing shofar for any service that requires it Standard: 3 services 6 services 9 services

1Achievements are cumulative

2For all services - Kabbalat Shabbat, Shabbat, Daily, Holiday -including Psukei D’Zimra, Shaharit, Torah Service, Musaf, Mincha, Maariv

3Chapter of Megilla counts as equivalent of 1

4Chapter of Lamentations is equivalent of 1.

L'Dor Vador Awardees for 2019 - 2020

    Jane                   Ablove                        Davening

    Sara                   Ablove                         Davening

    Hailey                 Epstein                       Davening; Torah reading - Lioness of Judah; Haftarah - Chazak

    Ryan                   Hall                             Davening

    Aaron                  Herman                     Davening

    Charles                Herman                    Davening -Chazak; Torah reading; Haftarah

    Gabrielle              Kennelly                   Torah reading

    Sofia                  Martin                         Torah reading

    Jarrett                Ruttenberg                Torah reading

    Michael                Sanders                   Torah reading - Chazak; Haftarah

    Gilad                  Symons                      Torah reading

    Hannah                 Wallenfels              Torah reading - Lioness of Judah

    Jeremy                 Werbow                   Davening; Torah reading - Gadol

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784