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Welcome to Temple Beth Tzedek

Greater Buffalo's Conservative/Masorti synagogue             Zoom for daily minyan, havdalah
Livestream for Shabbat and other sanctuary services           Make a Legacy Donation
Donate to We Stand with Israel campaign                      Resources for supporting Israel

See our page for Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah





Simchat Torah Project  - 10/7 memorial


The back is embroidered with the name of a soldier or hostage who fell on or since October 7th.

We have received this beautiful Torah cover to commemorate October 7th, and to honor the memory of Dror Or, a victim of October 7 and a cousin of Shalom Press. We are still accepting donations to defray the expense.

Contribute to Pulpit Fund supporting 
Simchat Torah Project - Dancing Through Tears




We saved you a seat in the sukkah! Join us in the TBT sukkah on Tuesday, October 22 from 12-1 pm. Bring your parve or dairy bag lunch, and share the company of Rabbi Rich and fellow congregants. 

RSVP email link

RSVP email link

Friday, October 25 - The annual Simchat Torah Kiddush lunch. Everyone is invited to attend the morning service, participate in the festive activities, and partake of the Kiddush lunch. Those who would like to make a donation for the Kiddush lunch should contact the synagogue office.

             Registration link - Registration required prior to or at entry.
             ID will be required for registration.


email Marian for RSVP


Women's Network membership  2024 - 2025

 President's letter 2024 - 2025

    Dues form 2024 - 2025

Brotherhood Membership 2024 - 2025

Brotherhood is an affiliate of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs

Dues form 2024-2025

Non-TBT events and resources

     Click here




Rabbi Isaac Klein/Myra Amdur Library

You can now search for books by author, title, and subject in the Temple Beth Tzedek library catalog! Just click on this link to begin searching!



Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785